6 March the ensemble gave 4 concerts in Bonn, Kassel, Niestetal, Remshald
Starting from 25 February till 6 March the ensemble gave 4 concerts in Bonn, Kassel, Niestetal, Remshald. Ulrich Munz who is one of the most popular German media persons in the sphere of classical music, author and radio host of WDR 3 radio station announced all concerts of the quartet.
Novosibirsk musicians presented the program of Russian music: they performed compositions of Borodin and Shostakovich. The quintet of Shostakovich was performed together with the professor of Kassel musical academy, a long-term partner of the quartet, pianist Ivan Urwalow.
The German side has been inviting Filarmonica quartet for 11 times already, their first concert in Germany took place in 1995.